Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Friendly Robot.
A 2-D still animation of a robot waving at the audience. Included
because it displays skill at basic models in Illustrator.

Logo Design
A simple logo design, using artist’s initials as inspiration.
Included to show skill in logo design, and understanding of

Children's Music CD Cover Art
Basic coloring and drawing for a Children’s music CD cover art.
Included to show skill in freeform drawing in Illustrator and

A short clip with multiple composited elements and layers in one
shot. Included to show diverse range of skill in After Effects and
it’s use in live action video. Shows skill in Premiere Pro.

Short video extolling safety to the viewer. Included to show
ability in connecting with an audience via humor and story skit to
extol safety to those watching, using Premiere Pro.

Video to inspire trust in God. Included to show range of images,
styles and emotions artist can tap into using Premiere Pro.

Artist interviewing himself as if he’s two people. Included to
show artist’s skill in pre-planning effectively carried out in
tricky shoot and edit situation only using one person. Using
Premiere Pro.

Brief overview of a typical day in the artist’s life. Included to
show artists ability to blend image and voice overs, music, and
sound effects to make an effective documentary using Premiere Pro.

Commercial combining live action with animation. Included to show
ability in combining live action with simple animation to form an
effective commercial that also includes sound effects, and music
using Premiere Pro.

Trailer to sci fi short artist wrote and directed while a student
at Sessions College. Included to show artist’s passion for
filmmaking, balancing work, and school, to shoot a no budget sci
fi short that he wrote and directed.